I had a couple of objectives on my trip to Cuba. One was to paint a mural, which didn't actually happen...but I am OK with that. It was to be in the artist community at Muraleando. We did glaze some tiles that will be part of the mural eventually. I just feel that means I have to go back!
The other objective was to connect with Cuban artists. That was very successful. I bought four pieces of art from artists who I really care about and who I want to keep as friends. Oh, and the art is very fun!
Here's a very colorful acrylic painting...with collage elements by my dear friend Nivia. She is really a wonderful artist and we have established some e-mail communication. I am pretty excited by that.
I also bought a "portrait" by one of our guides, Victor. It is interesting, and he explained the allegorical implications of the woman's hat being a home on her head and the fact that leaves for hair indicate she is still growing. There is more, but it was pretty complicated.
Yoan was one of the very special people I met. He is a ceramicist, and helped us to glaze the tiles. He also became a good friend and helped me with transportation of a carryon that had been filled with art supplies, Yoan made sure I always had a good seat for various presentations. I think he particularly liked me because I brought some high quality ceramic glazes and he got to keep what we didn't use. He also gave me a little ceramic dish, which I will write about on the Plum Gallery blog, but this is a lithograph print I bought from him.
Nivia's husband made a lineoleum print I especially liked, and so I brought it back. I love the way the chicken uses a saddle to ride the fish!
Hope you enjoyed a little Cuban art. I do. It always cheers me up.