One of the most dramatic views was from the walk in front of the South Portico toward the Washington Monument. This is the South Lawn, where the helicopter picks up the President and brings him back.
And this is the South Portico. We were so close to it! It was impressive. Of course, there were many Secret Service guys between us and the front door.
One of the volunteers explained why the picture below is his favorite spot. It is where the President "commutes" through this walkway from the residence part of the White House to the Oval Office.

Nice commute!!! And those two roses in the picture were the only ones left. Also in the rose garden was a podium set up like it would be for the news conferences that are held there. Pretty small in this picture, but you can see it if you look. Empty now, but it looked so familiar to me.
The next highlight was going by the oval office, which must have a lovely view of the Washington Monument.

I was amused to see a very tiny golf practice area....looks more like it is for the First Daughters than the President.
Final stop of the tour was the White House Kitchen Garden....still going pretty strong, with some fat tomatoes, though they don't show in this picture. Today was so cold....I think things will slow down. It was interesting to see that the artichokes also seem to be doing very well. I thought they only thrived on the Central California Coast, but now I realize that doesn't make any sense.
Something I knew grows in the South, but had never seen at harvest was peanuts. I took this picture, but it doesn't seem to show them as well as we could see them. It was fun. They looked like you could pick them and eat them, but I guess this is after they are dug up. There were lots of them. My picture just doesn't show it.
I finished off by going to the White House Visitor's Center. I highly recommend it. It appears to be very modest, but there is a lot there. I loved the timeline that showed how the family leaving the White House moves out the same day the new President and his family move in. The White House staff is amazing, and makes it all possible.
White House appreciation day for me!