Saturday, April 6, 2013

On my way to Paris

I am just about ready to go to Paris!  I "tricked out" my iPad for the trip....with a keyboard in the case....a gadget to upload camera photos, and a European adapted charger.   Plus---apps installed for translating and practicing French.   Oh, and a few movies and books in French.   I didn't forget a  Rick Steves travel book is loaded into the iPad, too!   Hope I have everything I need!  

Monday, April 1, 2013

Opening Day for Baseball--Nationals Win!!!!

It was a rare treat for me to share the opening day of the Nationals baseball season with my grandson, Griffin, a true Nationals fan.  This is a picture of the team after the 2-0 win over Miami.   

I also used the time to "brush up" on sketching from the tv screen....which used to be a favorite way to get free models---but some of them move a lot.  I ended up with this, and the face is sort of generic.  Interesting that the pose was easier to "compose" from several guys than the face was, but here it is.  I wish I had photographed the sketch with no paint.  I think it was actually a little more interesting.  I started to do the crowd in the background, but ran out of time.  Picture a sea of mostly red, with a little white....that is the effect.

And now...for true followers of the blog, pictures from the Easter egg hunt yesterday!  Both girls and boys won!  All winners....because of a tie.  I was tempted to post only "my" team, but the guys look great as winners, too.  We all had a lot of fun, joined by friend Melanie and her family.