Friday, May 31, 2019

May 9 Santa Maria Maggiore

I decided I needed to see more churches and started out using Rick Steves' "Pilgrim's Rome" as a guide.  Once again I boarded the #64 bus to Termini and then I walked from there.  It was a little longer walk than I anticipated but through a beautiful neighborhood.  The photo above is of the main altar.  This is an old church (432 AD) and has amazing mosaics that reminded me of mosaics I had seen in Ravenna.  It was, of course, updated during the Renaissance and Baroque periods.  The ceiling is coffered and gilded, and this only shows part of it.

When you go up to the main altar, you see that there are stairs to something below.  I went there and was treated to what is purported to be relics of the manger in Bethlehem:

It is hard to connect the simplicity of Jesus' birth with this opulent display.  There is also a powerful statue of Pope Pius IX in prayer before these relics:
But look at those floors!  They are throughout the church, and may date back to the 5th century AD.

This church is truly amazing.  Below is an example of the mosaics that are throughout the main sanctuary.  This particular one is in the apse and shows Jesus crowning Mary in heaven:

When I left, I hoped to go to another church, the Church of Santa Pressede.  I had forgotten that many of the churches are closed between 12 noon and 4 pm.  It was closed.  I had lunch at a great little place with lots of locals and it was great.

I walked back to Via Nazionale and did some shopping and then took "my bus" back to my apartment.

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